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A good question to ask at the end of this discussion is can an experiment be designed to generate and measure a very modest instantiation of a warp field? As briefly discussed by the author in, a Michelson-Morley interferometer may be a useful tool

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Scientists are convinced that these phenomena dominate and shape the Universe but their nature has so far eluded any satisfactory explanation. The discovery in the late 1990s of dark energy and its influence on cosmic expansion was recognised with a

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Here is the prior revised list that includes technologies or policies that have current active projects. For example, Broad Groups factory mass produced high rises replaces printed buildings using layers of additive concrete. Broad Group has more res

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Some researchers believe that when two dark matter antiparticles bump into each other, they will annihilate, producing gamma rays. Concentrated clouds of dark matter could form a gamma ray source at specific wavelengths detectable by Fermi.

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Terrence Aym

Stunning evidence has emerged that the Earth avoided a cosmic bullet that could have wiped out the entire human race less than 130 years ago. A new study done at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México revealed the amazingly close counter.

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Unlike previous attempts in which scientists tried to measure the transition temperature directly, the CNR team "snuck up" on the answer by inferring the temperature from a thorough study of the dynamics of water. They examined water's behavior in

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I then remembered about a giant Indian that is on the roof of this tobacco store (that's what it was when I was a kid it's something else now) on the northwest corner of 63rd and Pulaski Rd in Chicago. One time when I was a kid I was on the CTA bus

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The particle measures about 0.7 micrometres (thousandths of a millimetre) in diameter. "It is bigger than some bacteria," explained Prof Jean-Michel Claverie, from Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France. "You don't need an electron micro

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Dr Branney said: "It is one of the world's best-preserved accessible examples of such an awesome phenomenon, because the debris from such landslides mostly spreads far across the deep ocean floor, inaccessible for close study. "The beautifully-

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Evidence for the kraken and its gruesome attacks comes from markings on the bones of the remains of nine 45-foot (14 meter) ichthyosaurs of the species Shonisaurus popularis, which lived during the Triassic, a period that lasted from 248 million to 2

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All this means is that the big hunts were very much tribal affairs in which hundreds would gather to meet the migrating herds in order to knock down as much game as could be readily preserved over the next week by drying and smoking and converting in

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While naturalists have known of slime molds for centuries, only now are scientists really starting to understand them. Lab experiments are revealing the complex choreography of signals in some species that allows 20,000 individuals to form a single s

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Whoah! Check out this magical timelapse created from still-shots taken on-board the International Space Station on September 17, which are all available at The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of the Earth (ISS029, Roll E, Frames 5865 to 6210, for th

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Take, for example, England’s Cannock Chase – a sprawling and dense mass of heath and woodland situated in the county of Staffordshire. For years, an absolute menagerie of unknown animals and out-of-place critters has been seen roaming the Chase. The

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"I did a test site with a product early on and applied the product to a half-acre ... In 30 days I had two inches of dead ants covering the entire half-acre," Rasberry said. "It looked like the top of the dead ants was just total movement from all

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sequences from many different genes, to examine how the different families of mammals are related to each other. This dataset, with all the sequences we generated, provides a large and reliable foundation - a springboard - for biologists to take the

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The water in a comet called 103P/Hartley 2 is chemically very similar to water on Earth, suggesting that some of Earth's water comes from the same comet family, reports an international study led by Paul Hartogh at the Max-Planck-Institut fur Sonnen