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Downes continues: “The Garo Hills are a heavily forested and poorly explored area in Meghalaya state in the cool northern highlands of India. The area is internationally renowned for its wildlife, which includes tigers, bears, elephants and Indian

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The dolphins seem to walk on water for fun, as it has no other obvious benefit, say scientists working for the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society. That makes the behaviour a rare example of animals "culturally transmitting" a playful rather

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The new work with elephant seals is the first to extract information on the shape of the seafloor -- known as bathymetry -- from new sensors, glued to the animals' heads, which can measure pressure and hence depth. "You can actually map the ocea

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astronomer Ragbir Bhathal, a scientist at the University of Western Sydney, claimed to have detected a suspicious pulse of light nearly two years ago, that came from the same area of the galaxy as the location of Gliese 581g, according to the U.K.'s

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ut the most important new revelation is that one of those worlds might be the most Earth-like planet yet identified. "Our findings offer a very compelling case for a potentially habitable planet," said Steven Vogt, an astronomer at UCSC.

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And earlier this summer researchers in Canada found that the amount of phytoplankton in the ocean has decreased by 40% since 1950 in 8 out of 10 large ocean regions. They ascribed this decline to rising sea-surface temperatures, but add

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New Scientist

New evidence supports the idea that we live in an area of the universe that is "just right" for our existence. The controversial finding comes from an observation that one of the constants of nature appears to be different in different parts of the

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previously undefined expanse of the western North Atlantic has been found to contain high concentrations of plastic debris, comparable to those observed in the region of the Pacific commonly referred to as the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch".

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Lake Champlain in New York, Vermont, and Quebec is part of the Great Appalachian Valley, which is a southern extension of the St. Lawrence fault…which, incredibly, is the west end of Scotland’s Great Glen fault, broken and separated tens of millions

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If the subjects did not know the right responses or even have an inkling, they were instructed to guess. It turned out that they were able to answer significantly more of these questions accurately using a Ouija board than when they took a stab a

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'Our study is the first to experimentally show that certain species in the wild could adapt to climate change very rapidly,' said on Friday lead researcher Rowan Barrett. However, the University of British Columbia evolutionary geneticist warned

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With this in mind, a team of biologists and physicists at the Central University of Las Villas, in Santa Clara, Cuba have modelled what might happen should a nearby GRB – about 6000 light-years away – strike Earth today. "Our wish was to link astrop
