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Europe's largest undersea volcano could disintegrate and unleash a tsunami that would engulf southern Italy "at any time", a prominent vulcanologist warned in an interview published Monday. The Marsili volcano, which is bursting with magma, has

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The idea is to create a force that moves charged ions and particles in the water away from the membrane. When the water passes through the system, salt ions -- as well as cells, viruses and micro-organisms -- get pushed to the side. This saltier w

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By Richard Alleyne, Science,

Nasa scientists are searching for an invisible 'Death Star' that circles the Sun, which catapults potentially catastrophic comets at the Earth. The star, also known as Nemesis, is five times the size of Jupiter and could be to blame for the impac

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Musk oxen once were plentiful across the entire Northern Hemisphere, but they now exist almost solely in Greenland and number only about 80,000 to 125,000. According to the researchers, musk oxen are not the only animals to suffer during the late Ple

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Now it needs to be understood. Doping does not enhance ability so much as accelerate training recovery. With steroids, it was possible to do full maximal workouts every day as against every three days. Sort of explains why the first symptom of suc

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Methuselah is a Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) tree found in the Inyo National Forest of California, USA. The tree was estimated to have germinated in 2832 BC and was 4,789 years old when sampled in 1957. Today, it is known as the olde

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Those who search for the 'TRUTH' in this world must look in all areas in order to find all the pieces to the puzzle. Here is a place for those who truely want the 'TRUTH' to take a look. Many will refuse to watch this, and that is okay, but there

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These shots were taken by photographer Bjorn Jorgensen who lives in Tromso in northern Norway. Bjorn said: “I try to capture the essence of the arctic light, and I am particularly obsessed with the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights

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"It's not even 11 years," says Guhathakurtha. "The cycle ranges in length from 9 to 12 years. Some cycles are intense, with many sunspots and solar flares; others are mild, with relatively little solar activity.

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For instance, Heads suggested that at roughly the same time as intense volcanic activity in Africa about 180 million years ago, the group that includes humans, other simians, and tarsiers — altogether known as the haplorhines, or dry-nosed primates

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The particles showed as two tiny pulses of heat deposited over the course of two years in chunks of germanium and silicon that had been cooled to a temperature near absolute zero. The detectors are place half a mile down to avoid them being effec

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the Tunguska and Younger Dryas events. In both instances, Melott's group found evidence that the Haber process - whereby a nitrogen fixation reaction produces ammonia - may have occurred on a large scale. "A comet entering the atmosphere makes a b

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The new view — that pockets of beasts survived to as recently as 7,600 years ago, rather than the previous end times mark of 12,000 years ago — is supported by DNA evidence found in a few pinches of dirt. After plucking ancient DNA from frozen soi

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The plume angles downward 150 miles to the west-northwest of Yellowstone and reaches a depth of at least 410 miles, Smith says. The study estimates the plume is mostly hot rock, with 1 percent to 2 percent molten rock in sponge-like voids within the

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The physics blogs are abuzz with rumors that a particle of dark matter has finally been found. The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment is one of several designed to look for the tell-tale signature of dark matter particles passing through CDM

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key aspect of the Atlantic Ocean's large-scale circulation involves the sinking of cold, dense water--called deep-water formation--in Arctic and Antarctic waters. Scientists who are trying predict how climate change will play out in different parts

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Specifically, Igor Mik hail ovskij and his collaborators at the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology in Ukraine have imaged the shapes of those orbitals in carbon atoms by improving an old imaging technique called field-emission microscopy.