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Climate Change

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LOL Now for some reason I can suddenly access the story and bring it to you! If you're still not convinced global warming hysteria is rooted in a desire to redistribute wealth, an annoucement out of the European Union Friday might finally change you

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The true facts, however, do not support the idea of man-made global warming! Natural processes totally dispel anything that man can accomplish - a small rainstorm produces more energy than a large nuclear explosive releases and the lowest category of

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Having the Yamal data in complete form, McIntyre replicates it, and discovers that one of Mann's co-authors, Briffa, had cherry picked 10 tree data sets out of a much larger set of trees sampled in Yamal. 5: When all of the tree ring data from Y

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New Scientist

THE first complete map of the lakes beneath Antarctica's ice sheets reveals the continent's secret water network is far more dynamic than we thought. This could be acting as a powerful lubricant beneath glaciers, contributing to sea level rise. Un

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American Thinker

Saving the planet has grabbed the imagination of the naïve in the same grip as the old worker's paradise promised by the Bolsheviks. These two manifestoes share the common elements of absurdity, dogmatic conviction and the predictable dimension th

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Nobody disputes the two hundred year rise in temperature, except that it is better explained as a rebound from the little ice age. This leaves us exactly nowhere when is comes to current interpretation. We must wait for follow up to this little bit. This item may be the recent rehash of the Mann report that is just as flawed but has been going the rounds. (that was the report that floated the famous hockey stick) The recent effort got panned for the same reasons.

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OC Register

Anticipating hundreds of millions of dollars a year in greenhouse gas fees collected from California businesses, the Legislature is planning to redistribute much of the bounty to the state's "most impacted and disadvantaged communities." Perhaps a bill pending in the state Senate reveals the motive of feel-good legislative efforts to fight global warming: a massive redistribution of wealth. Assembly Bill 1405 calls for 30 percent of new fees raised under global warming regulations yet to be drafted to go to a Community Benefits Fund to be used in specially selected communities, based on specific criteria also yet to be drafted. A Senate analysis says anticipated new rules by the state Air Resources Board allow revenue from fees imposed on greenhouse gas emitters to pay for the board's administrative costs, but not for "climate-change-related mitigation activities." AB 1405, authored by assembly members Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles, and V. Manuel Perez, D

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The Business Insider

It will be HUGE for people like gore too the rest of us will pay through the nose! Now the story... The cap and trade bill will be huge business for investment banks, leading to a boom in M&A and underwriting activity, says Kyle Stock on the WSJ's Deal Journal blog. In particular, U.S. industrial companies will begin to look more attractive to companies in Europe, which has had a carbon market since 2005. While the U.S. power market has long looked good to foreigners, because Americans buy a relatively large amount of electricity per-capita and the regulatory structure here lends itself to rate increases, European companies have shied away from acquisitions because of the carbon question mark. They would likely be bolder if carbon had a price and a fixed supply.

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Weather patterns across the globe are partly affected by connections between the 11-year solar cycle of activity, Earth's stratosphere and the tropical Pacific Ocean, a new study finds. The study could help scientists get an edge on eventually predicting the intensity of certain climate phenomena, such as the Indian monsoon and tropical Pacific rainfall, years in advance. The sun is the ultimate source of all the energy on Earth; its rays heat the planet and drive the churning motions of its atmosphere. The amount of energy the sun puts out varies over an 11-year cycle (this cycle also governs the appearance of sunspots on the sun's surface as well as radiation storms that can knock out satellites), but that cycle changes the total amount of energy reaching Earth by only about 0.1 percent. A conundrum for meteorologists was explaining whether and how such a small variation could drive major changes in weather patterns on Earth. Earth-space connection

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Australian Geologist Dr. Ian Plimer wrote on August 8, 2009: "At present, the Earth's atmosphere is starved of CO2...One big volcanic eruption can add as much CO2 in a day as humans do in a year."

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Yid With Lid

General Electric has been investing in President Obama and his democratic party since the beginning of the primary season over two years ago. They even pushed their TV networks to be in the tank for the POTUS and the SCHMOTUS (Biden) and their policies. That "tinkle down my leg" news coverage has paid off big for NBC News' parent company. By taking advantage of its ownership of two tiny banks in Utah, GE has been able to issue $80 Billion dollars worth of federally backed loans about one out of every four dollars available in the program. And true to being a friend of the President, General Electric didn't have to go through any of the burdens other participants had to go through like the financial stress test. Nor did they have to worry about any those pesky salary/compensation limits so Jeffrey Immelt and the senior management didn't have to worry about the $14-18,000,000 in compensation they make. But all that is Small potatoes, GE is uniquely positi

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Nothing is perhaps more pathetic than the exertions of economic developers and politicians grasping at straws, particularly during hard times. Over the past decade, we have turned from one panacea to another, from the onset of the information age to the creative class to the boom in biotech, nanotech and now the "green economy." This latest economic fad is supported by an enormous industry comprising nonprofits, investment banks, venture capitalists and their cheerleaders in the media. Their song: that "green" jobs will rescue our still weak economy while saving the planet. Ironically, what they all fail to recognize is that the thing that would spur green jobs most is economic growth. All told, green jobs constitute barely 700,000 positions across the country--less than 0.5% of total employment. That's about how many jobs the economy lost in January this year. Indeed a recent study by Sam Sherraden at the center-left New America Foundation finds that, for the

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That's not an oversight. Telling people to give up burgers doesn't poll well. Ben Adler, an urban policy writer, explored that in a December 2008 article for the American Prospect. He called environmental groups and asked them for their policy on meat consumption. "The Sierra Club isn't opposed to eating meat," was the clipped reply from a Sierra Club spokesman. "

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American Thinker

Goldman Sachs, the Wall Street leviathan that is heavily invested in the cap-and-trade carbon market scam, has admitted it has developed and used software that can manipulate such financial markets. The revelation came during proceedings in a legal case with enough plot twists to make even John Grisham proud; it was made, not by Goldman, but by an assistant U.S. Attorney.

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It is about time that someone pointed out the obvious. It is outrageous to suggest that modern methods not be used to produce the wealth for others that it has produced for us. That modern methods are not perfect is irrelevant. They were replacing methods that were even less perfect

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Newsweek magazine had yesterday a web exclusive entitled "What Green Jobs?" Subtitled: "Washington is spending $60 billion to create the careers of the future, but not a single green job yet exists. Obama's 'green czar' explains." The Leftist publication deserves some plaudits for exploring this $60 billion gaping hole in the $787 billion "stimulus" package President Barack Obama signed into law in February. But there are many points in the article where they could have done better. It would have been nice, for instance, if Newsweek had exhibited some of the scrutiny they show here in advance of the massive plan's passage. They begin with an interesting realization:

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Climate Revolt: Major Science Group 'Startled' By Outpouring of Scientists Rejecting Man-Made Climate Fears! Clamor for Editor to Be Removed! Scientists seek to remove climate fear promoting editor and 'trade him to New York Times or Washington Post'

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Bob Carter, one of four scientists who has recently questioned the justification for the proposed Australian emissions trading scheme, says that this paper has significant consequences for public climate policy. "The close relationship between ENSO and global temperature, as described in the paper, leaves little room for any warming driven by human carbon dioxide emissions. The available data indicate that future global temperatures will continue to change primarily in response to ENSO cycling, volcanic activity and solar changes.”

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This piece of curious legislation is on its way to a natural death. I have no doubt it was meant to fail but to provide a fig leaf of cover for those politicians wanting to maintain green credentials. The real climate bill will be the one that establishes a national power grid combined with an aggressive power plant build out with windmills and geothermal and solar. It will even generate major employment while it replaces our rolling stock with electric vehicles.

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Any way if the average loss has been seven inches a year over the past four years, then the present decline rate is likely around nine inches for this year. Figure ten or so next year and a foot thereafter and we are ice free in 2012. We simply do not have enough multi year ice left to make an iota of difference.