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IPFS News Link • Climate Change

Attack of The Green Meanies

• American Thinker
Saving the planet has grabbed the imagination of the naïve in the same grip as the old worker's paradise promised by the Bolsheviks. These two manifestoes share the common elements of absurdity, dogmatic conviction and the predictable dimension that the more their doctrines are proved false, the more their advocates defend them. In the case of Bolshevism, people's courts, midnight executions and propaganda were the instruments of coercion; in the case of man-made global warming, it's the Internet, politicized scientists and a mentally disabled mainstream media. Disciples of world communism actually believed the workers of the world would unite and rule the planet with wisdom and generosity. Even in the wake of 100 million deaths in the name of communism, most left-leaning devotees supported the principles of the USSR until the regime fell in a rubble from within. The rise and fall of Bolshevism took just over seven deadly decades. If the man-made global warming movement takes that long, more than 100 million could die before it's over, mostly from starvation caused by the end of free market capitalism -- this time on the chopping block for raping Mother Earth and exploiting the proletariat.

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