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Climate Change

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They’re toasting their pasty, righteous, caterwauling epidermi on the golden hot sands of Cancun, Mexico, flopped out amid the bikinis and barbeques while they attempt to spell out a future of rationing and want for all the rest of us. Flown there on

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Terrence Aym

Scientists declare: "Earth will enter a 'little' Ice Age: as early as 2014 and lasting as long as two centuries. The last one occurred between 1650 and 1850 and accounted for many crop failures, outbreaks of famines and mass migrations.

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Swiss researchers studying the projected effects of climate change on alpine plant species have discovered that mountain ranges may represent a 'safer' place to live during changing climate conditions. The research, published in the Journal of Bioge

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"This wasn't what we expected," said Palenik. "These did not appear to be coming from the ocean water since we know a lot about the species living in coastal seawater. However, these bacteria and fungi appear to be 'marine', so we think they ar

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The PPJ Gazette

Thirty-two states are on the path to UN-inspired carbon reduction, Cap-and-Trade schemes and unconstitutional alliances; the supporting Governors must be held accountable. Carbon reduction and population reduction go hand in hand. The United Nation

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Freshwater is flowing into Earth's oceans in greater amounts every year, a team of researchers has found, thanks to more frequent and extreme storms linked to global warming. All told, 18 percent more water fed into the world's oceans from rivers a

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We know that the existing 2007 APS Statement on Climate Change was developed literally over lunch by a few people, after the duly constituted Committee had signed off on a more moderate Statement.

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Writings confirm that this period was a difficult one for Norse settlements in the area, marked by devastating crop failures. “Men ate foxes and ravens….The old and helpless were killed and thrown over cliffs,” reads one contemporary account. “We hav

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Arctic sea ice melted over the summer to cover the third smallest area on record, US researchers have said, warning that global warming could leave the region ice free by September 2030.