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Climate Change

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Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get and has been well hidden. I’ve discussed this with the main funder [U.S. Dept. Of Energy] in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original station data

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“His [model] is the most extreme but he is also the best modeller around,” he told the Telegraph’s Nick Collins. “It is really showing the fall-off in ice volume is so fast that it is going to bring us to zero very quickly. 2015 is a very serious pr

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Terrence Aym

Animals are shrinking and it may be due to climate change. So reads a new report from a team of Singapore scientists. First postulated by Charles Darwin as part of his adaptive theory of evolution, naturalists confirm that the phenomenon of animal sh

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The global uptake of carbon by land plants may be up to 45 per cent more than previously thought. This is the conclusion of an international team of scientists, based on the variability of heavy oxygen atoms in the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere dr

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Bitterly cold blasts of arctic air are expected to invade the northern Plains, Midwest and Great Lakes December through January, while snowfall averages above normal. "A couple of heavy hitters are possible [during this time]," Pastelok said in r

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During extreme events, up to 70% of the ozone layer can be destroyed, before it recovers months later. The hole above the Arctic was always much smaller – until March this year, when a combination of powerful wind patterns and intense cold temperatur

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In previous generations, winter temperatures dropped to 40 degrees Celsius below freezing, while in present times temperatures only reach 25 C or 30 C below freezing. Moreover, in the rare case that temperatures did drop as low as they had in the pas

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According to the Canadian Ice Service, sea ice extent in the western Parry Channel has now reached the lowest at this time of year since record keeping began in 1966. Very little multi-year ice remains.

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According to new research from MIT, the most recent global climate report fails to capture trends in Arctic sea-ice thinning and drift, and in some cases substantially underestimates these trends. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC

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Patrick Bodenham and Ben Cubby

A new kind of businessman has now arrived in the jungle. The Australian property developer David Nilsson is not seeking rubber or gold, but the carbon dioxide locked up in millions of hectares of lush Amazon rainforest east of Iquitos in Peru.

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The Asian giant has been warned by one of its own groundwater experts to either cut its food production or else face "dire" waterlevels, especially in the dry northwest plains. If not, aquifers will sink to "dire" levels not seen in 30 years.

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In the two images above you can see the differences between the old normals (1971 to 2000) and the new normals. The top image shows changes in July maximum temperatures. The bottom shows changes in January minimum temperatures. Warmer temperature cha

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"La Nina was strong in December," he says. "But back in January it pulled a disappearing act and left us with nothing - La Nada - to constrain the jet stream. Like an unruly teenager, the jet stream took advantage of the newfound freedom--and the

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If present trends of a 1.5–2ppm annual increase in CO2 levels continue, there is little chance of stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations at 450 ppm. This would only result in a 50% likelihood of limiting global warming to 2C. Climate scientists sa