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Climate Change

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The latest report, by the British House of Commons' Science and Technology Committee, received testimony from many sources, conducted hearings, and largely absolved Jones. How can we tell that it's a whitewash? Here are some telltale signs: It r

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Climate scientists admit that some {actually ALL} models overestimated how much the Earth would warm in the past decade. But they say this might just be natural variation in weather, not a disproof of their methods. {first rule of climate science: wh

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In turn, this apparent consensus misled not only the media and the public but also the wider scientific community, which had remained largely unaware of the ongoing debate and of the work of the many reputable climate experts who disagreed with the I

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Sceptics are fighting a billion dollar industry aligned with a trillion dollar trading scheme. Big Oil's supposed evil influence has been vastly outdone by Big Government, and even those taxpayer billions are trumped by Big-Banking.

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Kwok and colleagues found that ice arches were missing in 2007 from the Nares Strait, a relatively narrow 30- to 40-kilometer-wide (19- to 25-mile-wide) passage west of Greenland. Without the arches, ice exited freely from the Arctic.

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Tennekes: “Why does the IPCC ignore the oceans? The top 2½ meters of all sea-water contain as much heat as the total amount of heat in the atmosphere. Why has the topmost kilometre of the oceans turned colder during the last five years? We don’t know

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Uncommon Sense

What in the world is happening? Could it be? Climate change is a scam? So you are probably thinking… Climate Change, Cap & Trade and the like are dead… Why is he still writing about this? Wake up, people this is the administration that refuses to

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This has been a Scandinavian winter and it isn’t over yet. The last week has been below zero at night, struggling to 3 or 4C by day under a weak sun. Here in the Highlands of Scotland we may be better prepared for snow and ice than further south, but

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Few stars have risen and fallen so quickly as Pachauri's, who has gone from being an international climate hero to subject of increasing ridicule at home and abroad. Pachauri, an economist and former railroad engineer from a small town in the Himala

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It based the claims on an unpublished report that had not been subjected to routine scientific scrutiny - and ignored warnings from scientific advisers that the evidence supporting the link too weak. The report's own authors later withdrew the claim

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Arctic Oscillation (AO) and its status is quantified as an index value. When pressures are higher than normal in the Arctic and lower than normal in mid-latitudes, the AO is in its negative phase and the index is negative. The NSIDC reports that De

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I was at the table with three Europeans, and we were having lunch. And they were talking about their role as lead authors. And they were talking about how they were trying to make the report so dramatic that the United States would just have to sign