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One Kazakh Uighur woman who sold organs in China described a room of hooded, naked Uighur women, chained to tables for medical exams determining their lung, kidney, heart and other organ functioning, according to Ethan Gutmann, an American investigat

Article Image, by Michael Every

Tipping points are funny things in markets and in life in general. Sometimes you see them clearly ahead of time, sometimes only in hindsight. Sometimes you still don't see them even afterwards. But they are there regardless.

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Some headlines today are about the US unemployment rate falling to a 50-year low of 3.5% on Friday, which they did against a payrolls report showing no major wage pressures and very slightly weaker-than-expected job gains. Has anything changed on tha

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Kyle Bass sits down with infamous Chinese businessman Guo Wengui, also known as known as "Miles Kwok," to hear a series of shocking accusations and predictions revolving around the Chinese government. Kwok provides his perception of the backstory

News Link • Global Reported By James Miller
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Western media were there in full force, wearing yellow fluorescent vests, their 'Press' insignia, helmets and masks. They mingled with the crowd, filming US flags, clearly enjoying the show.

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Zero Hedge - Tyler Durden

The unidentified employee was surrounded by reporters and protesters shouting "Go back to the mainland!" To which the banker, speaking in Mandarin, responded "We are all chinese!" A protester then punched him n the face, knocking his eyeglasses off.