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NY Times

China said it faces threats from independence movements related to Taiwan, Tibet and the western desert region of Xinjiang, and that American arms sales to Taiwan jeopardize stability in Asia. [They should sell AK-47s cheap here as payback.]

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NY Times

The problem, he said, was not that Americans spend too much, but that foreigners save too much. The Chinese have piled up so much excess savings that they lend money to the United States at low rates, underwriting American consumption.

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Washington Post

China on Friday executed a man convicted of passing sensitive military and political information to Taiwan a day after notifying his relatives through diplomatic channels that they would have a second chance to visit him, his daughter said.

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Daily Telegraph

China has resorted to stealth intervention in the currency markets to amass US dollars, using indirect means to hold down the yuan and ease the pain for its struggling exporters as the global slowdown engulfs the economy.

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Washington Post

Though we were the guests and they the hosts, we didn't matter. Common sense was irrelevant. The tape -- symbolic of a decision made by somebody somewhere in an unknowably complex and security-conscious control structure -- was all that mattered.

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"This story now is really about Internet censorship, the act of removing evidence while at the same time claiming that the evidence is wrong. For the first time, I watched search records shift under my feet like sand, facts draining down a hole

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Ten days into the Games, the government has yet to permit a single demonstration in any of the three official protest zones. According to a report Monday by Xinhua, the official news agency, 77 applications have been received since Aug. 1, from 149 p

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USA Today

Know who Joey Cheek is? Know what his big cause is? The number of people able to answer "yes" went up dramatically in the past day, courtesy of China. It abruptly and ham-handedly revoked athlete Cheek's visa for the Beijing Olympics ho

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Australian Olympic boss John Coates is disappointed that China will censor the internet during the Beijing Olympics. "It certainly is disappointing... I think it's a matter that the IOC will take seriously," Coates said, adding that he

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The Weekly Standard

A few years ago, the London Daily Telegraph reported that "doctors at the state-run Shenzhen Health Centre for Women and Children hand out bottles of thumb-sized aborted babies to be made into meat cakes or soup with pork and ginger. Zou Qin, a

News Link • Global Reported By Bruce Barton
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New York Times

Each building, in its own way, embodies an intense struggle over the meaning of public space in the new China. And although at times terrifying in their aggressive scale, they also reflect the country’s effort to give shape to an emerging national id

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