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MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

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Article Image by QTR's Fringe Fina

Over the past week, after a blog post I made about how Joe Rogan was disrupting the mainstream media, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by former Fox Houston newswoman Ivory Hecker about what the future of the mainstream media looks like.

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

If 2021 seems like a blur, it was. Between an 'insurrection' at the Capitol building, a Texas snowstorm, Brood X cicadas, the Olympics, a stuck container ship in the Suez Canal... not to mention endless COVID variants and government-imposed restricti

Article Image by Ray McGovern

I hope you know this by now, but on Christmas morning the Russian military announced a sizable troop withdrawal from Russian territory near Ukraine.

Article Image


CNN suspended Chris Cuomo indefinitely on Tuesday, one day after the New York state attorney general's office released transcripts showing the extent of his involvement in assisting his brother, then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), as he faced multiple a