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MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

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I was generally averse to team sports (though I wrestled for years, but in the end that is not really a team sport: individual wrestlers just move around in groups).

Article Image, by Matt Taibbi

Citing a report of Oklahoma emergency rooms so overwhelmed by ivermectin overdoses that gunshot victims were going untreated, MSNBC anchor Joy Ann Reid Sunday proposed sticking the swallowers of "horse paste" at the back of the line...

Article Image, Corbett

Did you know there's a searchable archive of the last 12 years of tv news? Or that every moment of all of the major news network's broadcasts from the week of 9/11 are available for free online? Well, you do now! Go forth and research!

Article Image, By MATT MCNULTY

MORE money for LESS work? Rachel Maddow will get $30M a year - up from $7M - to stay at MSNBC through the 2024 election despite her show going from five days to weekly

Article Image by ryan mcmaken

If one were to go only on what one reads or sees in the media, one would think it's the spring of 2020 all over again. The headlines are filled with stories of overcrowded hospitals, overwhelmed medical personnel, and predictions of people dying in