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Natures Always Right

Learn to master growing sweet potatoes. I'll teach you to harvest, propagate, and cure sweet potatoes using no dig organic methods. Sweet potatoes are an amazing survival crop for homesteading to grow for a lot of calories and nutrition with minimal

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In this livestream coming at you from the veggie garden, I chat with Kate Diprima, my friend and a dietician for over 30 years, about the carnivore diet and how the recent trend of "anti-vegetables" is a worrying development.

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The USDA is considering a herd share ban that threatens family-owned cattle ranches and our farm-to-table supply chain. This is not just about beef; it's about freedom and choice.

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That sort of offer isn't hypothetical. Nearly a decade ago Ecuador launched its "Program for efficient cooking," which encouraged residents, through various incentives, to replace their gas stoves with induction cooktops, an electric stove that

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