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IPFS News Link • Agriculture

Canadian government forcing dairy farmers to DUMP MILK because regulatory quotas...

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An employee at a major dairy farm in southern Ontario (Canada) has come forward to tell the public that the regime of Justin Trudeau is forcing the company to dump countless gallons of fresh milk once a certain quota is reached – this despite the fact that milk now costs an arm and a leg in Canada due to runaway inflation.

In the video below, the man explains how in wintertime there is much more milk to be had from the farm's dairy cows because the feed is very consistent that time of year. One would think that this would be great for the market, allowing more milk to be sold, thus lowering the prices for consumers.

This is not what is happening, though. Thanks to caps imposed by the Trudeau regime on milk production, dairy farms like the one depicted below are having to dump all that extra milk straight down the drain rather than sell it to hungry families.
