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Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

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I will soon be going LIVE on Alex Jones' Infowars to talk about online censorship, the role of Silicon Valley technocrats in determining what we can and can't say and why everyone should be concerned about the erosion of free speech.

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Activist Post

Atlas shrugs either by disappearing competence or by an overwhelming mass of incompetence too great even for Atlas's broad, strong shoulders.

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The Highwire - Del Bigtree - Rumble

People from across the world gather in front of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland protesting against The WHO Pandemic Treaty and to declare their independence from global elites.

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Activist Post

Great injustice has been done to millions and billions of people. People were fired from positions for objecting, canceled for refusing the vaccine, injured from the lockdowns and shots, and had their businesses and arts associations ruined.
