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Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

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by Martin Armstrong

The pension reform protests in France grew to new proportions. Protesters have not allowed the government to silence them. On Thursday, over 100 people stormed BlackRock's office in Paris and nearly burned it down. "The meaning of this action is

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The Highwire - Del Bigtree - Bitchute

Has the Medical Freedom Movement Become the Most Influential Voting Block in America?; On The Jaxen Report, Jefferey details The VAERS Exposé and CDC's knowledge of the hell they were about to unleash on the world; Controversy at Cochrane, as the

Article Image, By Julie Kelly

The shroud of secrecy surrounding the FBI's foreknowledge and engagement in the events of January 6 is disintegrating, no matter how hard Beltway lifers try to keep it intact.

Article Image by Tyler Durden

France is engulfed in turmoil following President Emmanuel Macron's controversial decision to raise the retirement age. Over a million people participated in nationwide protests on Thursday, transforming urban areas into scenes of chaos. These demons