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From Bloody Biden Head To Code Pink 'War Criminal' Display, White House Protest Gets Heated

•, by Tyler Durden

Chants of "Free Palestine!", "Genocide is our red line", and "Israel bombs, your taxes pay" could be heard from protesters - many of whom were bussed in from over two dozen cities.

Footage posted on X shows protesters getting rowdy as police attempted to make an arrest. As a crowd chants, "Let her go!" officers deployed pepper spray (at 17 seconds).

The woman was not arrested, and the cops were chased away, with one protester saying "get out of here motherfuckers."

The demonstration featured a coalition of groups, including the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Code Pink, which featured protesters dressed as Biden, Antony Blinken, Netanyahu, and Israel's Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant.
