Article Image Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban**Q**s Fidesz party just won a landslide victory in Hungary wit


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's Fidesz party just won a landslide victory in Hungary...

Written by Subject: Hungary

See Associated Press Article: Orbán's party takes most votes in Hungary's EU election, but new challenger scores big win (

AP -- BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's nationalist party took the most votes in Sunday's European Parliament elections but sharply underperformed its past dominance in a race that pitted the long-serving leader against a new challenger that has upended Orbán's grip on Hungarian politics.

With 85% of votes counted, Orbán's Fidesz party had 44% of the vote, enough to send 11 delegates of Hungary's 21 total seats in the European Union's legislature.