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World News

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The web portal has just launched its Buy Bitcoin Cash page that enables users to easily buy bitcoin cash (BCH) using a credit card. The new addition makes purchasing peer-to-peer digital cash simple and safe for those looking to join this

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In the early summer of 1914, Albert Einstein was about to start a prestigious new job as Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics. The position was a big deal for the 35-year old Einstein- confirmation that he was one of the leading sc

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On the weekend of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Baltimore University hosted more than 200 activists in the peace, environment, and social justice movements to launch a new initiative known as the Coalition Against US Foreign Military Bases, the Nation

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On Wednesday, humanity will be treated to a celestial trifecta: A supermoon (meaning it's relatively close to Earth), but also simultaneously a blood moon (it'll be orange or red), but also simultaneously a blue moon (the second full moon in one

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This month marks the fortieth anniversary of the student protests that precipitated the Iranian Revolution. In the years after Ayatollah Khomeini took power in 1979 and declared an Islamic Republic, the country became America's central nemesis in t

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James Altucher would like to remind us of the math behind cryptocurrency: Two hundred billion dollars in supply. Two hundred trillion dollars of potential demand, even more if you throw in contract law. There's 10,000 man-years of science behind it

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Cryptocurrency miners in Singapore can now buy their rigs pre-assembled right at the mall as more retail computer hardware shops enter this booming market. This is another strong sign of how retailers are diversifying away from their traditional cost