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IPFS News Link • Future Predictions

These Are The Bonkers Jobs Of The Future, According To Davos


After listening to the speakers and panelists, a team of creatives illustrated their visions of the future.

He has the short cropped haircut of your average IT guy. But he's wearing swim trunks and a life vest as he drives a jet ski up to a solar-powered buoy. What's his job? "Blockchain banking engineer." This buoy is a water-cooled server, crunching the numbers behind the global economy.

Blockchains are hard to understand as a theory. Even harder is piecing together how bitcoin or Ethereum might impact the job market. But a dude on a jet ski? That's easy.

That's the idea behind this series of illustrations by Salt & Pepper Creative. They were commissioned by creative agency AKQA London and the global youth leadership group MiSK to illustrate some of the biggest ideas at the 2018 World Economic Forum in Davos, the leadership event full of presidents and CEOs that few of us will ever go to. (The price to attend online is $65,000 per head.)

"We had two audiences to attract with this imagery. Firstly the audience at Davos itself. You have to realize, the entire place is covered in boring, corporate work; we needed to make images that really stood out and grabbed their attention," says Salt & Pepper's Pansy Aung. "Secondly, we had a responsibility to create work that would engage with . . . youth. Some of the imagery is a little exaggerated, but then some of the topics are naturally quite dry and boring. We had to create a balance that would be both true to what was said, but interesting to actually look at."