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World News

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Visa, the world's largest credit card company, is widely regarded as being hostile to Bitcoin. It would seem intuitive that a traditional financial provider should look unkindly on anything that threatens its hegemony. Publicly, though, the company

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Week after week regulators and governments have been announcing plans to regulate digital currencies like bitcoin. This week in France on January 15 the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire announced his decision to create a "digital currencies m

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No matter where you live or how old you are, you're probably interested in living longer. If you're reading this, chances are you're in an ever-increasing quest to live better, eat better and generally take better care of yourself. But how migh

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In this video, Luke Rudkowski and Jason Bermas of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news twitter being exposed by O'Keffe Project veritas investigative piece, Cryptocurrency for Mark Zuckerberg Facebook, Julian Assange legal position in the E

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In this video, Luke Rudkowski and Jason Bermas give you the latest breaking news on Aziz Ansari, Hawaii alert text, Haiti, Hillary and the Clintons getting exposed by Wikileaks. Chelsea Clintons wedding Moby asked to go against Donald Trump plus a lo

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Earlier this week, President Trump allegedly disparaged Haiti, describing it as "sh*thole." The response has been what you might expect. It's been a torrent of demands for apologies from the Trump administration and commentary on how "troubli

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Americans on both sides of the political aisle believe the media does a poor job covering political issues fairly, according to a blockbuster new survey of media consumption in 38 nations.

Article Image, one of the web's most desirable domain names, is up for sale. Its current owners, XBT Holding SA, are seeking 200 BTC - or about $2.9 million - for the site. The domain is coveted partially because XBT is the abbreviation that many ins