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World News

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Even though they don't have a thick layer of blubber, animals such as beavers and sea otters are still able to stay warm when diving in frigid waters. How do they do it? Well, they trap an insulating layer of air between the hairs of their fur.

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Huma "Abedin did not know that Clinton had a private server until about a year and a half ago when it became public knowledge."

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JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israel deployed hundreds of additional police officers on Friday following Palestinian calls for protests after the main weekly Muslim prayers against US President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

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In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the psychology of insults and angry comments online directed at individuals without merit. Hopefully, by watching this video you will understand the science behind unj

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The 20th century gave birth to the Nuclear Age as the power of the atom was harnessed and unleashed. Today, we are on the cusp of an equally momentous and irrevocable breakthrough: the advent of computers that draw their computational capability from

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Facebook says it built Messenger Kids, a new version of its popular communications app with parental controls, to help safeguard pre-teens who may be using unauthorized and unsupervised social-media accounts. Critics think Facebook is targeting child

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Bitcoin $10,000? Already? It seems like just a few months ago that I was writing about the price of one bitcoin surpassing the price of one ounce of gold.
