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World News

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As Joseph Stiglitz sees matters, the euro suffers from a fatal flaw. The euro is the currency of 19 European countries; and common money blocks efforts of nations that, according to Stiglitz, need to devalue their currencies. More generally, attempts

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If you, like me, spend a lot of time Googling cryptocurrencies, you've probably seen that face. You might already know the one I'm talking about: It stares at you from web ads, blankly, with just a hint of a smile, like a bad 80s yearbook photo.

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One European country just made it illegal to pay men more than women. Thanks to a new law, Icelandic firms that employ more than 25 people must obtain a government certificate demonstrating pay equality, under new rules that came into effect on Ja

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The North and South Koreans have moved closer to starting direct negotiations aimed at defusing the high tension levels on the peninsula. Instead of cheering an opening to diplomacy, however, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has warned that the US

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A comprehensive guide for choosing and setting up secure Wi-Fi. Your router, that box sitting in a corner of your house giving you internet access, is in many ways more important than your laptop or mobile phone. It might not store any of your perso

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On paper, the ketogenic diet sounds great. Every January, fat's in the crosshairs of health columnists, fitness magazines, and desperate Americans. This year, PopSci looks at the macronutrient beyond its most negative associations. What's fat good

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After lining up for an entire day to get a plane ticket to visit her relatives in the western city of Mérida, Josefina García did not know if she and her octogenarian mother were going to reach their final destination on time for Christmas.

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On the first working day of 2018, hopeful South Korean officials scrambled to respond to the olive branch extended yesterday by Kim Jong-un. In his customary New Year's address, the North Korean leader said he wanted North and South to "immediate

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At the rate the Internet is going, soon it will be impossible to access the Internet. All conservative opinions will be eliminated along with their websites. However, there is a new Internet being launched 63 miles into space which will prove to be a

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Materials are a designer's paint and canvas-and for the most part, they've remained pretty static in recent decades. But over the past few years, and in 2017 in particular, we saw new advances in material science that gave creators plenty of ex

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Spacex BFR construction will start in 4 to 6 months. would have bigger than Saturn V payloads plus the magic of reusuability. How reusable is of course the trick, but in the optimal case that Brian has written about, to quote Brian: at $7 million

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It has always seemed to me possible, and even probable, that there would be a resurrection of Islam and that our sons or our grandsons would see the renewal of that tremendous struggle between the Christian culture and what has been for more than a t

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