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World News

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Why are straight men so effeminate these days?

Is soy food turning men into massive pussies? Is soy the silent killer of actual manhood? Is soy food lowering testosterone and male sperm count? Are we losing a generation of young men to soy?

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Over the weekend the very mainstream BBC published a blockbuster investigative report showing that the US was part of negotiations that allowed thousands of ISIS fighters and their families -- and tons of weapons -- to escape Raqqa in Syria. At the s

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So far, high-profile Silicon Valley venture capitalist and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel isn't saying publicly why he gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to the campaign of a state attorney general who's just launched an antitrust probe of Goog

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The Russian Association of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency has conducted a study to determine the best location for cryptocurrency mining in the country. The best region found is a major transport and distribution center as well as a transit hub with c
