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World News

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The weird odyssey of President Donald Trump's travel bans continues. The original ban, signed as an executive order Jan. 27, barred absolutely all immigrants and refugees from seven predominantly Muslim countries. The countries had actually been ch

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President Trump's recent rant to the United Nations was a rehash of George W. Bush's post 9/11 "Axis of Evil" fantasy in the 2002 State of the Union, which ultimately took the United States down the road to disaster with the ill-fated invasio

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Elbow-to-elbow seating, oversized comfort pets, midcabin standoffs -- and passengers armed with their smartphones. A new era in air travel has some Americans tweeting mad.

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Companies like Elon Musk's mysterious Neuralink work on connecting human brains--the magnificent blobs of neurons--to the internet, the digital land of Russian cats and racism. But some experts are questioning the ethics and security of the interne

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When Alexander Fleming came back from a Scottish vacation in the summer of 1928 to find his London lab bench contaminated with a mold called Penicillium notatum, he kicked off a new age of scientific sovereignty over nature. Since then, the antibioti

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When Alexander Fleming came back from a Scottish vacation in the summer of 1928 to find his London lab bench contaminated with a mold called Penicillium notatum, he kicked off a new age of scientific sovereignty over nature. Since then, the antibioti

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Litecoin creator Charlie Lee says a trusted source has told him that China will not ban bitcoin mining operations or the bitcoin network. He says the rumors are being propagated by large-scale traders who are attempting to manipulate the bitcoin pric