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World News

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There's something very strange and disturbing about the hype around the White House and US media's latest obsession with North Korea. It's not just the usual war-mongering and hot air though. We've seen all that before. This goes beyond sabre

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Dale Brown realized decades ago that if he wanted to help secure the most dangerous neighborhoods in Detroit, he had to appeal to building owners' wallets, not their humanity. They can make more money when people don't get murdered in their neigh

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The S&P 500 moved by a mere 0.16% yesterday, making it 13 straight days in which the principal stock market average has changed by less than 0.3%. We mention that because it turns out that 13 straight days of virtual flat has never occurred before in

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Segregated Witness has officially locked-in and bitcoin's price is currently coasting along at $3430. Even though Bitcoin market prices have rallied to new all time highs after the August 1 hard fork, both Bitcoin and the newly formed network, Bitc

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Our World in data shows the trends in advances against extreme poverty and other gains. Our World in Data tracks population, health, energy, food and other statistics.

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Someday, stock, bond and real estate valuations will matter again. And the mechanism by which this return to sanity is achieved will probably be the torrent of money now flowing in from people who, for various reasons, don't care about (or under