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World News

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Luke had a very special guest on today… Angelo John Gage, and he talked about a slurry of important issues dealing with Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. With all the latest developments that happened after the G20 summit, and the potential rami

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You can almost hear the announcer for the movie trailer; "In a world stricken by financial crisis, a country plagued by spiraling deficits and cities on the verge of collapse - a war is being waged; gauntlet's thrown down and at the hear

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2017 One of the ironies of the U.S. national-security state's never-ending efforts to effect regime change in Cuba is that the United States ended up adopting and embracing many of the dark-side policies and practices of what one might expect a

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President Donald Trump flew off for his first meeting with Vladimir Putin -- with instructions from our foreign policy elite that he get into the Russian president's face over his hacking in the election of 2016.

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To strive in the face of adversity is the mantle of Nepali tradition. The country has a historically tumultuous government that has dissolved and transformed many times, either due to in-fighting, public pressure, or most infamously, the massacre of

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E.E.G. is a technology that has been in use for over a hundred years, mostly in the medical field- to read brain waves.

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A large region of Spain called Catalonia has announced October 1 as the date of a binding referendum on its independence from Spain. This is the culmination of eight years of independence activism, regional elections, and public consultation.

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Uh oh. Top (former) UN Climate officials (Costa Rican diplomats with no scientific background) are "calculating" that if we don't stop emitting carbon dioxide by 2020 the earth is doomed! That's right: three years left to save the planet! Or

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After the in-your-face Fourth of July "gift" that North Korea delivered to President Trump in the form of an intercontinental ballistic missile test, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see President Trump and the Pentagon retaliate by bombing No

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In the first line of the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776, Thomas Jefferson speaks of "one people." The Constitution, agreed upon by the Founding Fathers in Philadelphia in 1789, begins, "We the people…

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WARSAW--Like many of his fellow Polish pro-government lawmakers, Dominik Tarczynski is sending a busload of constituents to Warsaw on Thursday to cheer for President Donald Trump. The buses are being provided by a foundation close to the governing p