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World News

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If you want to permanently fix America's economy, there really is no other choice. Even before Ron Paul's rallying cry of "End The Fed" shook America during the peak of the Tea Party movement, I was a huge advocate of shutting down the Feder

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The level of lunacy we've reached can be measured by the brouhaha over the presence of Russian photographers in the Oval Office during Sergey Lavrov's visit: no US photographers were allowed, but the Russians somehow got in and the Paranoid Briga

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With oil prices spiking nearly 10% from last Friday's sudden, capitulation "flash crash" which was perhaps driven by Pierre Andurand liquidating his entire long book, there has been a scramble by analysts to "fit" the narrative to the price action an

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On Monday, President Trump authorized the Pentagon to provide whatever weapons necessary for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces to defeat ISIS in Raqqa. This is not a new strategy, however. It is left-over from the Obama Administration. Will it

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For the World War II generation there was clarity. The attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec 7, 1941, united the nation as it had never been before -- in the conviction that Japan must be smashed, no matter how long it took or how many lives it cost.

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MIT spinout New Valence Robotics (NVBOTS) has brought to market the only fully automated commercial 3-D printer that's equipped with cloud-based queuing and automatic part removal, making print jobs quicker and easier for multiple users, and droppi

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President Trump will visit Saudi Arabia and Israel later this month. His meetings in Saudi Arabia will include a presentation on "religious extremism." After pledging to keep the US out of other countries' affairs, it seems President Trump is digging