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World News

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Riddle me this: As we all know by now, China is bleeding capital, with a record $725 billion in outflows last year alone. Accordingly, the ChiComs have been flipping their lid, imposing new capital controls left and right to try and stop the bleeding

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Those benefiting from these destructive "solutions" may think the system can go on forever, but it cannot go on when every "solution" becomes a self-reinforcing problem that amplifies all the other systemic problems.

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Ludd was the 18th-century folk hero of anti-industrialists. As the possibly apocryphal story goes, in the 1770s he busted up a few stocking frames--knitting machines used to make socks and other clothing--to protest the labor-saving devices. Taking

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North Korea continues testing missiles as the United States and South Korea conduct military exercises to practice attacking North Korea. Is North Korea about to launch an attack? Is it capable of being an existential threat to the US? Or is it possi

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David Rockefeller was a very nice evil man. So was his father. He always thought he was doing the right thing. Maybe once in a while, he did something really good. I just can't think of anything.

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Just in case you thought the conspiracy theory that Russia secretly controls the US government is exclusively an affliction affecting the Democratic party, Sen. John McCain's recent performance on the floor of the US Senate should disabuse you of t

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"What about the poor?" An interviewer just asked me the question following my usual call for markets in everything. It's probably the 100th time this has happened. The question amazes me because the implication behind it implies that markets s