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World News

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Italian researchers studied the safety of vaccines currently in use. (1) They examined 44 types of vaccines to verify if there was physical contamination in the vaccines. Although the vaccines were obtained from two countries (France and Italy), th

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Most ordinary Americans do not have the slightest idea how much suffering, hardship, and/or (in more fortunate cases) just disappointment has been caused by the intrusive foreign policy of practically of all recent US administrations in many parts of

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I have dedicated my life to peace. As a member of Congress I led efforts to avert conflict and end wars in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria and Iran. And yet those of us who work for peace are put under false scrutiny to pro

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Hopes for the Trump administration are not burning brightly. Trump's military chief, Gen. Mattis, is turning out to be true to his "mad dog" nickname. He has just declared that Iran "is the single biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the wor

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Wellington (AFP) - The world's longest commercial flight landed in New Zealand Monday with the arrival of Qatar Airways's 14,535 kilometres (9,032 miles) Doha-Auckland service, the airline announced.

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2017 could be the year that the euro collapses according to Joseph Stiglitz writing in Fortune magazine and these concerns were echoed over the weekend by former Bundesbank vice-president and senior European Central Bank official, Jürgen Stark, when

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Inflation in the eurozone has jumped by more than expected to 1.8 percent in January from 1.1 percent in the previous month, the statistics authority Eurostat said. The inflation pickup came on the back of a sharp rise in energy prices.