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World News

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Global Effort Launched to "Repeal and Replace" United Nations … A global effort dubbed "Covenant of Democratic Nations" is working to abolish the United Nations, widely ridiculed as the "dictators club," and replace it with an internat

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Rome is such a big topic, it not only deserves a post of its own, but it can be studied in isolation as it encompasses so much of Western history.

Article Image, By Scott Belinksi

While the Eastern Mediterranean is well known for its major (and underexploited) gas reserves, Lebanon is the latest country in the region to join the oil rush, after Egypt's fitful entry into the market and Israel's more straightforward path to

Article Image, Paul Joseph Watson

It's being called the "Swedish Spring"; a groundswell of support for a top cop who went public on the epidemic of crimes being committed by Muslim migrants which has led to Swedes demanding a national conversation on the issue.

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Google's neural networks have achieved the dream of CSI viewers everywhere: the company has revealed a new AI system capable of "enhancing" an eight-pixel square image, increasing the resolution 16-fold and effectively restoring lost data.