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World News

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Oil dropped to the lowest in seven months, with both Brent and WTI sliding to prices not seen since November, following a burst of volume just after 6am, amid a revival in output from Libya and rising volumes of fuel held in floating storage, althoug

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As a follow up to Eric Peters' comments on the Fed's ongoing tightening strategy (which he ascribed to the Fed's questionable desire to "subdue Wall Street"), the One River Asset Management CIO has some observations on what happens next, which roughl

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In this video, Jason Bermas tells us about the Franklin cover-up and the origins of Pedogate. Its important to know about America's history and this includes its darker side. Why? If we never learn from history, we're doomed to repeat it.

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Caracas (AFP) - Swearing in fury, the crowd strips the man naked and stomps on his head as he sprawls on the ground. "You want things that come easy? Then take this, you bastard." In Venezuela, this is what robbers get when they are caught by passe

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The world has a new puppetmaster. From his New York home, US financier-cum-philanthropist George Soros has manufactured Europe's migration crisis, backed a coup in Macedonia and sponsored protests in Hungary.

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Delayed blowback from Trump? Mexico's Industrial Production crashed 4.4% in April - the biggest drop since Oct 2009 - with manufacturing dropping 1.7% after surging 8.5% in March. This is the 3rd MoM drop in a row (and biggest MoM drop since Nov '

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