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World News

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The largest free economic zone in the UAE, with zero percent personal and corporate income tax, has started issuing licenses to firms trading cryptocurrencies. The first license has been issued to a gold trader that has recently started offering cryp

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As I write this, bitcoin is trading at $8,600. That's down more than 50% from the December highs of $20,000. But is this selloff a natural correction, or something to be worried about? That's one of the questions I ask my guest Tama Churchouse

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We Are Change - Luke Rudkowski - YouTube.Com

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange joins Jason Bermas to discuss the latest revelations in the middle east and how they entangle the United States with other world powers. They also break down the latest information on Amazon Kingpin Jeff B

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Contrary to what its multi-million dollar international PR campaign would have you believe, the "White Helmets" are not a group of volunteer search-and-rescue workers that sprang spontaneously out of the Syrian soil. When you peel back the layers

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The bitcoin space is a constant battle of truth versus untruth, rumor versus fact and optimism versus pessimism. With market manipulators up to their usual tricks and salty altcoiners crying FUD, it can be hard to tell what's real and what's fake

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When I look at news reports from whichever country, I see no awareness of the two most ominous developments in US history. One is the conspiracy between US security agencies, the US Department of Justice, the Democratic Party and the American print a

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So, why is Vice-president Mike Pence attending the Winter Olympics in South Korea? Is it because he's a sports fan who just wants to enjoy the quadrennial spectacle of the Olympic games?

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While New York Stock Exchange traders were grappling with a market in freefall, elsewhere in the city this week all eyes were on more important matters. New York Fashion Week officially starts today (February 8), and at a pre-show on Tuesday, the lat

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Earlier this month, The New York Times reported on a remarkable development in Mexico. In an article titled "Losing Faith in the State, Some Mexican Towns Quietly Break Away" we discover that some municipalities in Mexico are turning to de facto