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IPFS News Link • Science, Medicine and Technology

'Moveable' Is Motherboard's New Blog on the Future of Getting Around


Here is how I imagine you reading this story: Sitting on the bus, maybe on your way to work or to see a friend, tapping back-and-forth between Facebook and Instagram on your phone before landing on this page for a minute. This is how I often do my reading.

What occurs to me is how much that experience, which a lot of us share almost daily, has to do with modes of transportation, old and new. The bus is an obvious one—public transit, bike lanes, sidewalks, and roads shape our lives and movements through cities and towns—but less obvious, maybe, is the phone in your hand. If it's an iPhone, like mine, it's a testament to global shipping: designed in California, made in China, with bits that may come from South America or Inner Mongolia. Even the way you and I are connecting now, here online, has to do with transportation. As roads, rails, and canals shaped our countries in the last century, online technologies and infrastructures bind us over long distances in the 21st.

Transportation and mobility technologies are creating the future we'll inhabit in years and decades to come. With that in mind, Motherboard is launching Moveable, a new project dedicated to the future of mobility—a future both wonderful and terrifying.

New transportation technologies are emerging to help us tackle some of the biggest challenges we have in front of us
