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Technology: Software

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Article Image, By Asawin Suebsaeng

Government officials want to data-mine social media to scan for criminal activity. But are their efforts just a complete waste of time?

Article Image, by The Two Gs

The two G’s here, Gaye and George, have both been out on the “leading edge” of technology in their business careers, although for all the headaches and hassles, we both refer to it as the “bleeding edge”

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"I'm going to learn, Ubuntu?" Turn your android phone into a full fledged pocket size desktop computer for anytime, anywhere desktop functionality. "Right now, you most likely carry a smartphone, laptop, and perhaps a tablet device of some kind

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Now let’s say that Sue runs a hairdressing shop out of her house. She has a limited clientele but she wants to expand. But recently Sue has read in the news about the crack down on ‘illegal home based black-market businesses’ such as hers. How does S

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SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) if passed will drastically change the internet for the worse. This app will help you avoid SOPA supporting products to show your displeasure with the bill and help get it voted down! Read more about SOPA here.

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Apple is facing mounting challenges in 2012 to refresh key product lines in the face of rising competition after a year marked by record profits but also the death of its founder Steve Jobs and less dramatic design innovation.

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