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Technology: Software

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Douglas Rushkoff

"If we don't create a society that at least knows there's a thing called programming, then we become not the programmers, but the users, or worse, the used."

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More than 100 drivers in Austin, Texas found their cars disabled or the horns honking out of control, after an intruder ran amok in a web-based vehicle-immobilization system normally used to get the attention of consumers delinquent in their auto pay

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PC World

Want to correct Windows problems, make your PC or mobile phone more capable, and get things done faster online--all without opening your wallet? Check out these 112 incredibly useful, incredibly free downloads, sites, and services.

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NewsFactor Network

Amazon's dominance of the e-book market with a proprietary format has been challenged by a copyright hack that allows its content to be shared. Breaking digital-rights management could force Amazon to follow Apple, Inc.'s lead and offer DRM-free cont

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A federal appeals court ordered Microsoft Corp. to stop selling its Word program in January and pay a Canadian software company $290 million for violating a patent, upholding the judgment of a lower court. But people looking to buy Word or Micros

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NewsFactor Network

Google has introduced a new computer language called Go that is designed to address key trends and problems with other languages like Java and C++. The Go computer language supports multiprocessing and fast compiling. An analyst noted that roadblocks

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Soon, you’ll need more than two hands to count the number of Android phones on the market. At this rate, it seems inevitable that the number of phones running Google’s open source operating system will eventually outnumber the number of iPhones, whic

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In this demonstration of the touchable hologram, ultrasound is radiated from above and the user feels as if a rain drop hits his palm.Researchers from the University of Tokyo have developed 3D holograms that can be touched with bare hands. Generally,

News Link • Global Reported By Phennommennonn GLP
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To get the most out of the images on your site, you have to optimize them. According to R.J. Pittman of Google, good image optimization starts with having the best quality of images that you can have. The next step is to have an expressive title as well as rich descriptive content that explain the image.

Webmasters also have the opportunity to provide topic tags, which are keywords that a searcher might use in a query. As Pittman tells special guest WPN correspondent Eric Enge, the more information that the user provides for the image, the better Google can index and surface the image.

Google is even developing RDFa tag structure, which would allow it to work off of a new language vocabulary that users could embed into their Web pages. The html structure would provide a means for search engines to identify various features of the image and thus provide more accurate image results.

Despite all the additional exposure images could bring to websites,

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Linux Mint, a distribution based on Ubuntu, has won a significant share of users, and represents a better Linux experience for both advanced and first time users. 
  The Linux Mint Menu works pretty much like its Windows Vista and 7 counterparts, providing quick access to system locations, applications or configuration panels.

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A judge has banned the sale of Microsoft Word in the U.S. and ordered the software giant to pay more than $260 million to i4i for patent infringement. U.S. District Judge Leonard Davis ruled Microsoft willfully infringed on i4i's patent with XML in Word. The Northwater fund helped finance the patent suit.

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Apple is the exclusive gatekeeper to its iPhone App Store, able to reject apps at will — as it did July 28 with Google Voice. But some developers aren’t taking the rejection lying down: They’re turning instead to an unauthorized app store called Cydia, where forbidden wares continue to exist — and even earn developers some money.

That store is operated by Jay Freeman, more fondly known in the iPhone “Jailbreak” community as Saurik. Only five months old, his app store Cydia specializes in selling apps that Apple would reject or ban (or already has). To use Cydia or the apps available through it, customers need to jailbreak their phones — hack them to work around Apple-imposed restrictions — a process that Apple claims is illegal.


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Common Dreams

"We knew we could pull it off - we had the tools," said one senior official who worked at the Pentagon when the highly classified plan was developed. But the attack never got the green light. Bush administration officials worried that the effects would not be limited to Iraq but instead create worldwide financial havoc, spreading across the Middle East to Europe and perhaps to the United States

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