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So what is Twitter?

Written by Subject: Technology: Software
I was just asking myself the same Question when I came across this great Video Tutorial from Shelly Roche of Bite Styles TV (YouTube Video). In Short Twitter is a social networking site that lets people stay up to date with each other by posting short 140 character messages from there computer or other mobile internet device.
While I don't actually want to let my friends and family know about what grade I got on my mid term or when I'm going to California for my summer vacation, I do have a use for twitter to share alternative news. So I started (with Ernie's permission of course;) a Freedom's Phoenix Twitter account and WOW people are reading it!
Hopefully this site is driving traffic to FreedomsPhoenix and at the moment I link to headlines and stories on FreedomsPhoenix mostly involving economic news and stories relevant to the new Studio/Workshop here in Phoenix. This account was started as an experiment to see what kind of response I could get reporting (or repeating) economic news on twitter. Now that we see a positive use for Twitter I was going to turn over the account to Ernie or Powell but have convinced Ernie to start a account of his own.
The Freedoms Phoenix account may become more of a tool to help promote and keep people updated on the Studio/Workshop activities. Other editors are encouraged to "Tweet" articles and Blogs they post to FreedomsPhoenix as there is no way any one person could keep up on all the articles on the site. So sign up today! If you have questions or still don't know if Twitter is right for you don't hesitate to ask or send me a tweet...

7 Comments in Response to

Comment by Bennichs
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Comment by Jet Lacey
Entered on:

Wowee Bennichs, 

What an insightful, refreshing observation. 

What are you, a professor of Rocket Surgery at Lamson College?

Comment by Bennichs
Entered on:

Drew is not as hot as Shelly Roche.

Comment by chris lawton
Entered on:

I TWITTER Freedoms Phoenix URL's daily!~ Follow me

Comment by Jet Lacey
Entered on:

After extensive surgical modification scheduled for later this month, Drew will be the Declare Your Independence With Ernest Hancock show's own personal Shelly Roche!

Comment by Ernest Hancock
Entered on:
Permission???? Drew is just being funny. He knows better than to ask for 'permission' :)

Heck, I'm lucky he even told me.

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Thank you Drew.

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