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IPFS News Link • Technology: Software

Value flow connections

Thanks to some input from some freedom engineers smarter than myself (Alex and Lex) – I am rethinking the value of relationships on social networks and subjective measures of trust in giving people the confidence to partake in agorist (voluntaryist, laissez faire capitalist, counter-economic, free-market) activity with strangers.What people want to know about a stranger before they engage in a volitional exchange of value is… (1) how many volitional exchanges of value this stranger has completed before and (2) were some of these exchanges carried out with someone that they already know and trust? Now let’s say that Sue runs a hairdressing shop out of her house. She has a limited clientele but she wants to expand. But recently Sue has read in the news about the crack down on ‘illegal home based black-market businesses’ such as hers. How does Sue continue to make an honest living in this hostile environment? How does Sue accept a stranger as a new customer with absolute confidence that this stranger is not a snitch and is not a local code enforcer? Well, Sue could ask to see a prospective new customer’s profile on! Sue has created an ad on craig’s list to solicit new customers who desire $8 haircuts. Jake, who is looking for the 8$ free-market priced haircut that Sue can provide instead of the 25$ haircut that he can get in the government regulated main street market is incentivized to prove to her his good repute with other traders. Jake sends Sue an email that contains his public pgp key and a link to his profile on Jake’s profile includes minimal identifying information; a name or nym his public pgp key (optional) his value flow connections these value flow connections (vfc) are categorized into 4 types; 1. internet interaction 2. meat space interaction 3. low (1 to 3) free-market transactions 4. high (4 or more) free-market transactions VFC #1 and #2 may prove to be irrelevant and I am open to dropping them from the service in order to keep it simple. What do you think? The most valuable data on for instance when looking at a person’s profile is the numbers of transactions that they have conducted. A graphical interface of this profile would show your node on the network connected to other nodes by different colors of beams to indicate the different bonds. Although the beta version of this website will show a simple table showing this information. Users of this service would be able to see if they are connected to a stranger by others in the network – so if Sue and Jake have no connection yet – but they have both done trades with Billy and they both trust Billy – then they may just decide to make a connection and engage in a mutual exchange of value with eachother. Signing up for this service should be drop dead easy! Simply pick a user name and a password and then you’ll have a profile. Users will be able to create a real world identity profile or one for a pseudonym. Users can chose to link a pgp key to their account or not. Users can chose to link social networking profiles to their profile or not. Now how does the network get populated? Let’s say that Sue cuts Jake’s hair and she does a fabulous job. Jake in fact says “Fabulous!” Sue will ask Jake to drop by her profile on and make a bond with her. All that Jake has to do is click on Sue’s profile and check any of 4 boxes; Have you had internet interactions with Sue? Have you had real life interactions with Sue? Have you conducted 1 to 3 free-market transactions with Sue? Have you conducted 4 or more free-market transactions with Sue? And that is all the feedback that one needs to do! We could create a database that keeps comments – or measures of trust – or opinions (sometimes not objective ones) on specific attributes – but we want to keep this simple. But what if after a few transactions between two individuals that a problem arises? This is where the arbitration service providers come in. Note; this site will not provide arbitration services – it will just link to them – perhaps an affiliation program with an arbitration service will provide some revenue. Also at any moment a user can chose to break a value flow connection with another user. In the graphical user interface this may look like a red X across the bond. I would love you dear reader, to answer some or all of the following questions; Q1 What is the simplest way to program this website? We are trying joomla first. Q2 What is the best way to brand service? Q3 What is a good domain name for this service? or or something else? Q4 What are the biggest problems with this idea? Q5 How can it be gamed? Q6 Can it be gamed so much that it would be rendered useless? Q7 Who wants to help? If this idea passes the judgement (and ridicule) of the freedom engineering community then I will approve it for the ‘cash for code’ funding and I (or the freedom engineering enterprise fund) will be paying out cash rewards to the 4 most productive team members that help get the project built to the beta stage; $160 for the most productive member $120 for the second most productive member $100 for the third most productive member $80 for the forth most productive member **** This money will be paid out when we have a working beta program. Contact to input your output.