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Border Rancher Rob Krentz And Dog Found Shot To Death After Aiding Illegal Alien By Digger of Diggers Realm Blog March 28, 2010 The body of Rancher Rob Krentz and his dog were found shot to death on his ranch. Krentz, who always was good-natu

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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Since we're on the theme of immigration reform, is there an immigration reform plan that maintains national sovereignity, avoids globalist CFR solutions, secures the borders, reduces illegals already here, while not burdening Americans with enforceme


After nearly 30 years since the last amnesty in 1986 by the late Teddy Kennedy and still-living Senator John McCain (R-AZ), immigration remains a thorn in the foot of most American taxpayers and workers. How has it gone on for so long? Why haven’t

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Answers Yahoo

Illegal Aliens To Protest In Washington In March Against H.R. 4437 And For Open Borders I'm really waiting for the day when one of these rally's praising the breaking of our laws is raided by authorities and they're all rounded up. Not only the

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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Information Week

Government system employers can use to check a potential hire's eligibility to work in the U.S. accurately flags unauthorized workers less than half the time, according to a research report. A report from Westat found that the Department of Homeland