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Additionally, when we turned off our lights, we watched the magic of phosphorescent green plankton turning the water around us into ‘green chandeliers’ spinning and dropping around us as if confetti on a New York ticker-tape parade.  Call it magic in the deep!

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Nationalism is a dirty word. To first feel you belong to a nation sets you apart from the political correctness of race, sex, religion or country your parents may have come from. Nationalism...American...America race, no relig

Letters to the Editor • Global
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Dear Mr. Wooldridge Thank you for the opportunity I had when you sponsored me as a guest for one hour on your radio show in the past. Obama may have been elected, but I've not given up, I am still running for President, I want to send O

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In summary, the GAO presentation was misleading from the beginning. It ignored fundamental facts regarding alien interdiction rates inside the country vs the actual border. It misrepresented Border Patrol legal authority at interior checkpoints in comparison to the actual border. And it brazenly claimed interior checkpoints are needed because ports of entry are designed to be purposefully ineffective so as to not overly burden border traffic and commerce.

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Arizona Republic

One of the findings of a Government Accountability Office draft report was that the Border Patrol hasn't documented how many agents it needs to confront smugglers sneaking around a proposed permanent checkpoint on Interstate 19 in southern Arizona.

Residents near a southern Arizona checkpoint have complained that illegal immigrants and smugglers are flooding their community as they sneak around the roadblock. The Border Patrol operates a checkpoint at an overpass in Tubac, Ariz.


A reader said, “Great article about anchor babies becoming instant US citizens. I live in New York City...the amount of Mexicans having babies here is CRAZY! When I pick up my children at school I see Mexican mothers pregnant over and over, again and again, year after year.

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Arizona Republic

Iris scanners and facial-recognition cameras aren't just for spies anymore. It could become the dominant way for Americans to identify themselves if Congress moves ahead with efforts to create a biometric employee-verification system to ensure that only U.S. citizens and legal immigrants get jobs.

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Bill Davis

71 days until 10/30 and the start of the November Event - While several volunteers have contributed cameras, motion sensors, tents, and other equipment, we still need your financial support to carry off this event and do it properly.  


U.S. House member Nathan Deal introduced a new bill H.R. 1868 to stop 400,000 babies birthed annually by unlawful migrants to gain instant citizenship.  Known as “Jackpot Babies or Anchor Babies”, these children cost U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars annually in medical  as well as educational costs K-12. 

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"Everyone does it," the agent, now in prison, recalls telling himself. Other times, county sheriffs greedily grab thousands from drug dealers. In a few instances, traffickers even place members in the applicant pool for sensitive border protection jobs.

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I am still running as a Presidential Candidate, because this election was based upon Obama being an American Citizen. Even if he was born in Hawaii, he was a citizen of Indonesia at age 8. When did he then return to be an American citizen. So t

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The U.S. government said it would create a new detention system for immigrants facing deportation, taking control of facilities criticized for their treatment of detainees.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, or ICE, said it was creating an Office of Detention Policy and Planning to design a new civil detention system for the growing number of immigrant detainees.

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The Agitator

It would be easy to dismiss the episode as isolated, but 100 seven-member teams of ICE agents across the country are regularly making similar house calls, usually in the pre-dawn hours, in SWAT-like raids with shotguns and automatic rifles, sometimes crawling through open windows. In place of search warrants issued by a judge, ICE agents carry administrative warrants issued by one of their own officials that require that they “knock and talk” to gain entry into a home, a policy often abused…

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Free Trade Bulletin

The addition of low-skilled immigrants expands the economy, creating openings in higher-paid occupations such as managers, skilled craftsmen, and accountants. Immigration of low-skilled workers motivates Americans, who might otherwise languish in the underclass, to acquire education and skills so they are not competing directly with foreign-born workers.