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IPFS News Link • Immigration

Why I don't think Mexicans are Evil! Why I think immigration is good.

This LCLReport explores the governments history of creating scapegoats to gain power. Why I think Mexicans are the new boogie man and what the real hidden cause behind the immigration problem is and how to fix it all in one simple move. Hanna Hoffman also sings.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
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I agree with Frosty!

Comment by Frosty Wooldridge
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Both legal and illegal immigration cause hyper-population growth that will add 100 million to this country in 26 years. That's VERY bad for all of us. And, Mexico will add another 50 million by mid century so the line never ends.  We either stop immigration or suffer our civilization collapsing.  AZ already doesn't have enough water but expects an added 3 million people. How you gonna water them?  We're nostril-deep in trouble and immigration is our death knell. That's a great video but totally off base and totally out of touch as to environmental consequences, water shortages, quality of life issues, gridlocked cities, air pollution, species extinction and worse.  You need to work on your realities instead of your emotions. All immigration into the USA cannot continue. FW