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I wanted to tell my story from the weekend so other Americans are more prepared than I was when traveling in Southern California and Arizona. I read some of the comments on the web page today and I think if those who supported the border patrol concerning the video shown experienced what I did, they would think different.

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Federal Observer via e-mail from Winslow Joan

"I’m no Prophet but I think its naïve to the point of stupidity to think that the anarchy that now pervades Mexico will not become increasingly present north of the Mexican border."

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CNS News reports 22 states are considering passing laws that mirror Arizona's. There are a ton of questions that also need to be and haven't been answered by opponents of these laws. We take these issues head on and ask the first of a series of que

News Link • Global Reported By Rich Hilts

“I admire your efforts, and I admire your passion,” a reader said. “I hate to say it, but I think the cause is lost. I don't say it because I think the causes you push are unjust. Far from it! I say it because the globalists have done their work very