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Judicial Watch

public middle school student in central California was forced to take an American flag off his bike because administrators feared Old Glory would ignite “racial tension”among Hispanic students. The enraging violation of the teenager’s First Amend

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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Homeland Security is inching closer to ending a costly, problem-plagued "virtual fence" ordered by Congress 4 years ago to help secure the U.S.-Mexico border. What was supposed to be a fence on 2,000-mile border has ended up about 53 miles of the Ari

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The PPJ Gazette

As I have stated many times in the past “Education” is a very strong tool, and I believe it is just that, educating the public and our Legislators, that will bring the demise of H. 4321 presented by House Members Ortiz and Gutierrez and/or S. 3932 pr

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley

"Well, you Americans have it coming, don't you? You stole ancient territories by destroying absolutely everything of value while howling 'democracy and freedom’ and now you are going down the toilet as fast as a bullet train." Gerry, Germany