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IPFS News Link • New World Order

Evil Instrument of Control: Ron Paul on the New Biometric National I.D. Card

Do you like to speak out on topics, with no malice intended against any specific group? Forget about it. You will be branded a speaker of "hate," and it will go on your card. These marks will all take time to be added to the cards at first, and the twists and turns may be different from the ways I have identified them here, but at some point the "worker" card will be the social security card on steroids. There is no one in the United States who, if they live long enough, won't be negatively impacted by the card in some way. You will live a life in a tortured way so that you don't get a mark on your card, but eventually you will, anyway. We all will. The card will become an evil instrument of control. It will eventually torture our lives. Stop the card now. Obama's posing as neutral on this card is nonsense. No one wants this card except Obama's crony union leadership, who want to keep out the illegal workers and control a larger percentage of the overall workforce.