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Criminal Justice System

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Blog of Bile

What happens when you rot weeks in jail for refusing to state your  name?  "He was just kicked out of the jail, with his orange jumpsuit on, without any real explanation, with all his possessions."

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"With his appearance in federal court today, Ahmed Ghailani is being held accountable for his alleged role in the bombing of U.S. Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya and the murder of 224 people," Attorney General Eric Holder said in a press release. "The Justice Department has a long history of securely detaining and successfully prosecuting terror suspects through the criminal justice system, and we will bring that experience to bear in seeking justice in this case."

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Hamdan, a 42-year-old Muslim, father and small business owner from California, was arrested by United Arab Emirates authorities in August, 2008 and tortured repeatedly. During the abuse, he says, a man who spoke perfect English was present, ever threatening him to comply with his interrogators.

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Washingtn Post

Yet an exhaustive probe that relied on hundreds of interviews, including questioning of every guard and inmate close enough to see or hear White's cell, found no proof that McIntosh harmed the inmate. In fact, after a series of unusual attempts to re-create White's final moments, investigators wrote that it was "possible" that the inmate killed himself.

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The Agitator

When it finally came time to acknowledge the inevitable and seek to dismiss the charges, the U.S. attorney couldn’t resist taking one last stab at vindication, saying of Dr. Wecht, “He wasn’t acquitted of anything. It was a hung jury. However, in our society, everyone is innocent until proven guilty.”

Indeed. And as Ms. Buchanan spectacularly failed to prove Dr. Wecht’s guilt, that last insinuation of guilt was inappropriate. It is time for Ms. Buchanan to take responsibility for her failure and resign before President Barack Obama asks for her resignation, which he could not now be blamed for doing.


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The Securites Exchange Commission (SEC) formally charged former Countrywide Financial CEO Angelo Mozilo and two other company executives with civil fraud.


The SEC also charged Mozilo with illegal insider trading, an agency spokesman said Thursday. Civil fraud charges also were filed against Countrywide's former Chief Operating Officer David Sambol and ex-Chief Financial Officer Eric Sieracki.


Countrywide Financial, the California-based mortgage lender, was a key component to the subprime mortgage crisis in 2007, which was the beginning of the financial decline and c

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Washington Post

Late yesterday, department officials moved to send the cases of [legislators] Victor Kohring and Peter Kott, convicted in 2007 and serving multi-year prison terms for bribery and extortion, back to a federal court in Alaska. They also asked the court to release both men on personal recognizance while the cases await resolution, a move that former prosecutors and criminal law experts called extremely unusual.

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Why does the government call the people corporations names spelled in all capital letters? Why do all courts fly admiralty flags, the ones with the gold fringe, in the courtroom. This is because they derive their "power" to control the population indirectly from the constitution specifically from Article 1 section 8 "To declare War, grant letters of Marque and Reprisal. A Letter of Marque is an international agreement that allows a Pirate to become a Privateer.

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Washington Post

The chief prosecutor in Prince George's County said yesterday that he does not now intend to charge anyone in the death last year of a 19-year-old inmate who had been accused of killing a police officer, meaning a slaying once denounced by the county executive as "vigilante justice" is all but certain to go unpunished in state court.

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Just a Girl in Short Shorts

The one thing we know for sure about Sonia Sotomayor is that if she is on the Supreme Court she will rule that the Second Amendment only applies to the federal government and does not apply to the states or local governmental entities--they can regu

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Washington Post

President Obama this morning will announce that U.S. appeals court Judge Sonia Sotomayor of New York is his pick to replace retiring justice David Souter on the U.S. Supreme Court, White House officials said.

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Written By:

Jurors have not always been a part of government, but they have been deciders of justice. From earliest times, we know from oral traditions of tribal cultures where disputes were settled by each side choosing five people....

Letters to the Editor • Global
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You may recall my post regarding the Boston College Police's outrageous seizure of a computer science student's computer and other devices because, well, he knew about computer science. The Electronic Frontier Foundation took on