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IPFS News Link • Criminal Justice System

Supreme Court Says Suspects Can Be Interrogated Without Lawyer

• Wal Street Journal
[these bastards!] The high court overturned the 1986 Michigan v. Jackson ruling, which said police may not initiate questioning of a defendant who has a lawyer or has asked for one unless the attorney is present.

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by TheRockster
Entered on:
"Overruling the Jackson case, Justice Stevens said, "can only diminish the public's confidence in the reliability and fairness of our system of justice."

He would be correct, if we had any. Every American with an IQ above 50 knows that both "justice" and injustice are for sale in every State.

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

What I see happening now is what happened in the past. The arrested will be grilled mercilessly in shifts -- sleep deprived -- until they sign a confession and get their confession script strait so the camera can be turned on to record the perp's confession. SOP.

Comment by Trouser Chili
Entered on:

It is a sad day when I am more surprised by a ruling in favor of We The People and the Constitution rather than one against it.

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