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Criminal Justice System

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Diane Downs, the sociopath mom who shot all three of her children in 1983, was denied parole today in Oregon. Downs’ loved “being pregnant”. Between 1974 and 1984, Downs was pregnant six times. In the end, Downs either aborted, sold, shot, or gave up

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Bail has been denied for a woman accused of killing an FBI agent during a drug raid. Christina Korbe called 911 during the raid and said her house was being robbed and that she had fired at a burglar. She was arrested while still on the phone with an

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The news story Why Japan's isolated mothers are killing their children (The Age [Australia], 11/8/08) has so many outrageously revealing quotes about the pro-mother/anti-father bias that it's hard to know where to begin. Quote #1--"[Y

News Link • Global Reported By Glenn Sacks
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The Nation

Quick! Name the veteran Department of Justice insider who, shortly after the USA Patriot Act was signed into law and at a point when the Bush administration was proposing to further erode barriers to governmental abuses, argued that dissenters should

News Link • Global Reported By Jennifer Burk
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