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Criminal Justice System

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As a general rule I'm opposed to criminalizing victimless crimes such as drugs or prostitution, and a recent conversation with a friend further confirms my belief.

News Link • Global Reported By Glenn Sacks
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Washington Post

Former attorney general Alberto Gonzales will not be referred to a federal grand jury for his role in the 2006 firings of 9 US attorneys, but a long-awaited report will recommend a prosecutor continue to probe the involvement of lawmakers and White H

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Washington Post

As with the 25 other ongoing FBI inquiries involving the mortgage debacle, the main focus of interest is whether companies and their executives misled investors and auditors when they put a value on their mortgage-related investments.

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Washington Post

Pressed FBI officials to say when the anthrax case will be closed and why investigators had fixed on Ivins six months after notifying him in April 2007 that he was not a target. Investigators told congressional aides that they are still pursuing lead

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by Vin Suprynowicz

Unable to get into his London meeting house, William Penn led a Quaker meeting in the street outside. He was arrested and put on trial on Sept. 5, 1670, 338 years ago this week. The judges explained to the jury that preaching a nonconformist sermon w

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Money-laundering charges against former U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay and two indicted co-conspirators may be dismissed because the 2002 campaign finance case involved checks and not cash, a lawyer for DeLay said.

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Washington Post

FBI officials attempted to bolster their case against researcher Bruce E. Ivins yesterday by presenting experts who said that a lone scientist working for three to seven days with readily available equipment could have produced the lethal spores used

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FBI said the initial anthrax sample Ivins took from his Army lab in February 2002 and gave investigators did not meet chain of custody. So they destroyed it after testing. Then accused Ivins of giving them a different sample as a replacement.

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Mother Jones

Tens of thousands of US inmates are paid from pennies to minimum wage—minus fines and victim compensation—for everything from grunt work to firefighting to specialized labor. Here's a sampling of what they make, and for whom.

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H. Beatty Chadwick, a former corporate lawyer, has been imprisoned in a county jail for over 13 years even though he has never been arrested, criminally accused or tried. Chadwick is imprisoned on ‘contempt of court’ charges that sprang from a conten

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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, four princes and other Saudi entities are immune from a lawsuit filed by victims of the September 11 attacks and their families alleging they gave material support to al Qaeda, a federal appeals court ruled on Thursday.