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Criminal Justice System

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While the defendants in this court have been arrested on charges that could mean potential prison time and damaging criminal records, they all have served in the military. That has landed them here, in veterans treatment court, the first of its kind

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Prison Planet

"Obviously, the charges could be challenged in court, but that's out of our hands," said police spokesman Lt. Frank Vanore. "You have rights, but that doesn't mean you can say something like this."

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A millionaire who inflicted years of abuse on Indonesian housekeepers held as slaves in her Long Island mansion was sentenced to 11 years in prison. The trial provided a glimpse into a US problem of domestic workers exploited in slave-like conditions

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You can have freedom, you can get it for yourself using the tools Clive made for you. Go to Copper Cards and find out about how much the Federal Reserve Bank dislikes those who threaten them with a system that will make you wealthy instead of them.

Article Image Fascist Nation

The Supreme Court saved the lives of many raped children in the United States today. And politicians will undoubtedly feign outrage, shed some crocodile tears for the cameras and move on to the next thing to help themselves get re-elected.

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My Way News

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court is meeting to issue opinions in some of the seven cases it has yet to decide. Major cases still unresolved include the ban on handguns in Washington, D.C.

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Radgeek (video)

As many as 7 male and female deputies forcibly removed Steffey’s clothes inside a Stark County jail cell and left her completely naked for 6 hours. Steffey had someone call for help [big mistake] when a cousin injured her during a fight.

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More than 400 real estate industry players have been indicted since March - including dozens over the last two days - in a Justice Department crackdown on incidents of mortgage fraud nationwide that have contributed to the country's housing crisi

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Carlos Miller

Carlos Miller, photojournalist, was arrested by Miami police after taking photos of them against their wishes, a clear violation of his First Amendment rights. His question that set off the judge: How can one resist an unlawful arrest?

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USA Today

The Supreme Court agreed to decide whether top government officials can be sued for the alleged abuse of a Pakistani Muslim arrested and jailed after Sept. 11, 2001. The case, arising from the federal roundup of Arab Muslims in New York after the ter