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IPFS News Link • Criminal Justice System

$5.8 million for scientist in anthrax lawsuit

• AP
The Justice Department has agreed to pay $5.8 million to settle a lawsuit with former Army scientist Steven Hatfill, who was named as a person of interest in the 2001 anthrax attacks. Hatfill claimed the Justice Department violated his privacy rig

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Comment by Fascist Nation
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The picture highlighting the link to this rticle is Richard Jewell, the hero of the Atlanta Olympics, who discovered a bomb and got many, many people away before it exploded. Only to be arrested by the FBI, slandered by psychological profile into being the bomber himself.

He was later completely exonerated, but not before having his honor dragged through the mud. He died early, but he died a hero.

While I cannot lump Dr. Hatfill into quite the same category, he was equally vilified by the FBI, DOJ and press for being the one who had brought a Canadian study to the attention of the government after the anthrax mailings that forewarned of this method of dispersion. He worked as an unrelated virologist at the same place the anthrax bacteria probably came from. He pretty much had his career destroyed.